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2:00pm - 4:30pm - Check-In!


Please check-in will take place on Hannaford Drive, off Route 40.


At check-in, you will be given an identification number to be placed on your tractor for announcing and judging purposes.


6:00pm - Kick-Off!


There will be a lead vehicle.


Be prepared to slow down briefly at the grandstand near TD Bank on Main Street to be announced to spectators and to be judged.


All entries must be forward-moving and always keep a tractor length distance between you and the entry ahead.


Be sure that you have an exit plan, and your group knows what it is.





Each participant must comply with the following rules at all times. Should any participant fail to obey the rules of the parade or police, their entry will be disqualified from awards and their group may not be invited to participate in the future. We want this to be a safe and fun event for all.


  1. NEW- Mandatory Meeting. Due to the new route change, we will be holding a brief meeting to comunicate the changes and how this effects tractors. A representative from each float MUST attend a brief mandatory meeting held on either October 10th at 6PM, October 24th at 6 PM or November 14th at 7 PM. The mandatory meetings with be held at Gather, 103 Main Street, Greenwich, NY. Attendence will be recorded.

  2. Holiday Theme.  All entries must be of “holiday theme.”  However, NO Santa costumes are allowed.  There will only be one Santa Claus, and he will be on the last float of the parade.

  3. Tractors Only.  No trucks or cars will be allowed, except for local fire trucks per approval.

  4. Handouts.  For the safety of participants and spectators, no handouts on the parade route.

  5. Light Requirements.  All entries must be lighted.  Tractors are required to have a minimum of 1,000 lights.  Tractors with floats are required to have a minimum of 2,000 lights.  Any parade walkers must also be illuminated.

  6. Size Restrictions.  All entries are limited to a maximum height of 14 feet, width of 12 feet, and length of 50 feet.  Participants are asked to check the height of large self-propelled harvesters and floats.

  7. Generators.  All generators must be secured and kept away from combustible items.  No refueling of generators will be allowed once the parade is in motion.

  8. Drivers.  All drivers must be 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license.

  9. Children.  Children age 5 and younger must be accompanied by a parent/adult on a ratio of 1 adult to 1 child.  For every 10 children over the age of 5, we ask that there is a minimum of 1 adult present to ride or walk with them.

  10. Walkers.  All walkers must be in holiday costume and illuminated with lights.  Those with uniforms are excluded from wearing costumes but must still be illuminated.

  11. Passengers.  No riders on tractors unless in approved buddy seat.  No legs may dangle over the side of the vehicle or float.

  12. Check-In.  All entries must check-in no later than hour and half before parade starts.  Check-in will take place on Hannaford Drive, off of 40 Route.

  13. Staging Area.  The staging area will take place at Capital Tractor.  Only parade entries will be allowed in the staging area.  All parade participants and entry supporters must park elsewhere and walk into the staging area due to limited space.

  14. Parade Order.  The order of the parade is at the discretion of parade officials and maybe determined by order of arrival.

  15. Parade Flow.  All entries must be forward-moving and always keep a tractor’s length distance between you and the entry ahead.  Parade officials will help regulate this.

  16. Music.  Entries with music are requested to play holiday music only.

  17. Animals.  Entries with animals are responsible for cleaning up and disposing of any excrement before, during, and after the parade.

  18. Garbage.  Please bring trash bags and take with you any debris created by your entry.

  19. Judging.  All entries will be judged according to the categories on the entry form.  The decision of the parade judges is final.

  20. Fire Safety.  A fire extinguisher must be present on every tractor, implement, and float.

  21. Smoking, Alcohol & Firearms.  No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed on any parade entry at any time on the parade route or in the staging area.  No firearms are permitted.

  22. Right of Refusal.  The parade committee reserves the right to refuse or remove any entry, which in their opinion does not conform to parade rules.

  23. Cancellations.  Rain or snow – the parade will go on.  In the event of extreme weather, the parade will be cancelled.  Cancellation notifications will be available after 1:00pm on parade day by calling (518) 692-7979 or viewed on social media @greenwichtractorparade

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